- 假如收到了一个更新的 data/users/*/data.json 文件 (例如:某个用户发送了一条评论):
行。- 假如收到了一个更新的 data/users/content.json 文件 (例如:一个新用户完成注册):
"user_id", "user_name", "max_size", "added"
的key 连同content["include"]
的值 会加载到user
"db_name": "ZeroTalk", # Database name (only used for debugging)
"db_file": "data/users/zerotalk.db", # Database file relative to site's directory
"version": 2, # 1 = Json table has path column that includes directory and filename
# 2 = Json table has seperate directory and file_name column
# 3 = Same as version 2, but also has site column (for merger sites)
"maps": { # Json to database mappings
".*/data.json": { # Regex pattern of file relative to db_file
"to_table": [ # Load values to table
"node": "topics", # Reading data.json[topics] key value
"table": "topic" # Feeding data to topic table
"node": "comment_votes", # Reading data.json[comment_votes] key value
"table": "comment_vote", # Feeding data to comment_vote table
"key_col": "comment_hash",
# data.json[comment_votes] is a simple dict, the keys of the
# dict are loaded to comment_vote table comment_hash column
"val_col": "vote"
# The data.json[comment_votes] dict values loaded to comment_vote table vote column
"to_keyvalue": ["next_message_id", "next_topic_id"]
# Load data.json[next_topic_id] to keyvalues table
# (key: next_message_id, value: data.json[next_message_id] value)
"content.json": {
"to_table": [
"node": "includes",
"table": "user",
"key_col": "path",
"import_cols": ["user_id", "user_name", "max_size", "added"],
# Only import these columns to user table
"replaces": {
"path": {"content.json": "data.json"}
# Replace content.json to data.json in the
# value of path column (required for joining)
"to_json_table": [ "cert_auth_type", "cert_user_id" ] # Save cert_auth_type and cert_user_id directly to json table (easier and faster data queries)
"tables": { # Table definitions
"topic": { # Define topic table
"cols": [ # Cols of the table
["topic_id", "INTEGER"],
["title", "TEXT"],
["body", "TEXT"],
["type", "TEXT"],
["parent_topic_hash", "TEXT"],
["added", "DATETIME"],
["json_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES json (json_id)"]
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX topic_key ON topic(topic_id, json_id)"],
# Indexes automatically created
"schema_changed": 1426195822
# Last time of the schema changed, if the client's version is different then
# automatically destroy the old, create the new table then reload the data into it
"comment_vote": {
"cols": [
["comment_hash", "TEXT"],
["vote", "INTEGER"],
["json_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES json (json_id)"]
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX comment_vote_key ON comment_vote(comment_hash, json_id)", "CREATE INDEX comment_vote_hash ON comment_vote(comment_hash)"],
"schema_changed": 1426195826
"user": {
"cols": [
["user_id", "INTEGER"],
["user_name", "TEXT"],
["max_size", "INTEGER"],
["path", "TEXT"],
["added", "INTEGER"],
["json_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES json (json_id)"]
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_id ON user(user_id)", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_path ON user(path)"],
"schema_changed": 1426195825
"json": { # Json table format only required if you have specified to_json_table pattern anywhere
"cols": [
["directory", "TEXT"],
["file_name", "TEXT"],
["cert_auth_type", "TEXT"],
["cert_user_id", "TEXT"]
"indexes": ["CREATE UNIQUE INDEX path ON json(directory, site, file_name)"],
"schema_changed": 4
data.json 的一个示例
"next_topic_id": 2,
"topics": [
"topic_id": 1,
"title": "Newtopic",
"body": "Topic!",
"added": 1426628540,
"parent_topic_hash": "5@2"
"next_message_id": 19,
"comments": {
"1@2": [
"comment_id": 1,
"body": "New user test!",
"added": 1423442049
"1@13": [
"comment_id": 2,
"body": "hello",
"added": 1424653288
"comment_id": 13,
"body": "test 123",
"added": 1426463715
"topic_votes": {
"1@2": 1,
"4@2": 1,
"2@2": 1,
"1@5": 1,
"1@6": 1,
"3@2": 1,
"1@13": 1,
"4@5": 1
"comment_votes": {
"5@5": 1,
"2@12": 1,
"1@12": 1,
"33@2": 1,
"45@2": 1,
"12@5": 1,
"34@2": 1,
"46@2": 1
content.json 的一个示例
"files": {},
"ignore": ".*/.*",
"includes": {
"13v1FwKcq7dx2UPruFcRcqd8s7VBjvoWJW/content.json": {
"added": 1426683897,
"files_allowed": "data.json",
"includes_allowed": false,
"max_size": 10000,
"signers": [
"signers_required": 1,
"user_id": 15,
"user_name": "meginthelloka"
"15WGMVViswrF13sAKb7je6oX3UhXavBxxQ/content.json": {
"added": 1426687209,
"files_allowed": "data.json",
"includes_allowed": false,
"max_size": 10000,
"signers": [
"signers_required": 1,
"user_id": 18,
"user_name": "habla"